I wandered thro' each charter'd street, Near where the charter'd Thames does flow. And mark in every face I meet Marks of weakness, marks of woe.
In every cry of every Man, In every infants cry of fear, In every voice: in every ban, The mind-forg'd manacles I hear.
How the Chimney-sweepsrs cry Every blackening church appalls, And the hapless soldiers sigh Runs in blood down Palace walls
But most thro' midnight streets I hear How the youthful Harlots curse Blasts the new-born infants tear And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse.
- William Blake -
loves*sarah //
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
@new world population - assholes
shh.. i'm not suppose to use the computer now. x__x
this is one of the undisciplined days out of all the entire tamed week. took a side trip to whitesands popular to exchange a penrefill for yan. they made me fill up a extremely long form and weirdly enough, there was blank for the reason of exchanging the goods, which i ridiculously filled in 'wrong colour'. HA! how stupid can an answer go.. i then took a bus home and was almost immediately knocked out. people say time pass fast when you're enjoying it. i'd say time pass fast when you're sleeping on it. o__o i woke up groggily at eight only to feel as if i hadn't take a single wink. ugh. sleeping till this late had already compromised some of the time i was reserving for homework, but i just had to watch 'the peak' at nine. since it's the few rare local sitcoms i actually enjoy watching, i felt i had to give myself some reprieve. HEHE.
therefore, now i am here, struggling to do some research for my essay before i'm officially calling it a day. didn't get much of sleep yesterday and the ramification was sleeping in lectures. so i have decided not to risk it. sleep early and be in full-alert mode tomorrow. >__<
you know, arrogant, unreasonable, incorrigible, i'm-right-you're-wrong CLASS-A assholes are really such a delight. they are always so confident of giving speeches of crappy content and being such wonderful assholes, they feel obliged to demostrate various models of uncivilised beings. oh holy and sacred one, unlike you we are just stupid, blundering idiots who are always on the wrong side of justice and we know not about being civilized. milord! kindly leave us alone, for we are too lowly to have the privilege of you intruding your greatness in our humble lives.
note the sarcasm.
their mere existence boils my blood, makes me cringed and crying in shame at what the world is coming to. in a half-hearted attempt to be diplomatic, i shall not divulge the identity of this awesome creature. but you know, what they always say about secrets having their own way of coming to light? i'm sure i'm not the lone soul who understands you as well as i do. HA!
loves*sarah //
Saturday, January 13, 2007
@just a singaporean song
ugh. stupid me and my mouth.
i just crossed my fingers and the next instant i'm down with fever again. argh! that implies that i've missed my chingay training session today. i'm sooo dead.
okay, so bundled up in jackets and blankets, i went to youtube to search for interesting videos to watch. (i've slept from yesterday evening till now, so DON'T ask me to rest.) anyway, i found a totally hilarious video that seemed to have been online for quite sometime. pardon me for my laggy-ness. this video is about singapore, brought to you by hossan leong and mrbrown. i've really got lots of questions, like how they managed to get the setting placed in the parliament, what has this got to do with the infamous mrbrown and stuff. this really has a high entertainment value, though perhaps to non-singaporeans, it's just a load of unsolvable crap. HA. watch and you'll know what i mean. enjoy!
loves*sarah //
Friday, January 12, 2007
i'm finally online! *cheers*
since the start of school, i've rarely been online. the teachers this year mean serious business as they embark on the journey to murder the entire JC2 cohort. (and i still think it's weird calling myself a JC2. o__o)
anyway, daily routine for the past week: school > home > sleep > dinner > study > sleep!
it sounds and is immensely dry and boring. but it gets things done. i'm on time for homework and i get sufficient sleep. haha. whatever floats my boat. x__x
sarah is down with flu and sore throat, which hopefully does not mean the fever that usually ensues. *cross fingers* i'm sooo tired of not being able to consume any medication whenever i'm ill. rahh. i shall attribute this problem to global warming, since that's the thing people are doing nowadays. (look at all the newspapers) don't misunderstand me, i'm not a anti-globalwarming person. i'm just suffering from an overdose of lessons on evironmental issues in school. and according to the GPschedule, i'm about to have an overdose of war, politics and terrorists. *sighs*
anyway, since i'm already here, i took the time to upload all the pictures during the holiday break. haha. they will most probably not be in chronological order anyway. ^__^ enjoy!
the girls' christmas outing.
a trip to the singapore garden festival.
some random shots. my first christmas logcake for the year!
the big toy and the small toy!
haha. i guess that's all i have to share! lols. hopefully i can get online as soon as possible. hehe.
loves*sarah //
Sunday, January 07, 2007
@revival of the dead
guess what? my computer has been revived from the dead! *squeals*
all thanks go to beng for fixing my computer. you sure are efficient, my friend! haha. thanks loads. i owe you lunch.
anyway it turns out that it was neither the hardware nor the motherboard. but a damaged RAM card. why a malfunctioning card can sing still beats me. LOLS. next time when yours sing you can enlighten me. *stucks tongue*
the pictures stucked in my mobile are raring to be transferred to the comp. but i really couldn't bring myself to do so much trouble after killing almost three-quarters of my brain cells over the GP essay i've just completed. rahh. international relations. what a mindboggling topic. there is a reason why i've never been tempted to pursue any careers related to politics. and in this particular case, i feel like i'm betraying my moral values for justifying indonesia's inability to fight the haze problems and their recalcitrant farmers. damn, and i didn't fulfil the word limit. how can you have more than a thousand words to write when it's obvious you are not agreeing to what you are putting down on paper? *shrugs*
anyway a quick update on what-happened-to-sarah's-life: o1. she lost her spectacles. ugh. (not that i had any particular liking to it)
o2. she bought new spectacles. duh. (how am i suppose to go for lectures without any)
o3. she volunteered for chingay. (all bingy's fault, he refuse to help claim CIPhours)
o4. she bought a kawaii notebook for GP. (okayy, that's unimportant. LOLS.)
yupp that's almost all of what happened to me and my boring life. shall update with pictures next time. *grins*